KAT VR Deals Globally for KAT Walk Mini Omni Directional Treadmill Distribution

The KAT Walk Mini is a consumer and business-friendly omni directional treadmill. It is a locomotion platform that converts walking and jogging in real life to the virtual worlds, experiences and games.A large no of retailers, importers and distributors come across from globe showing their interest to buy KAT VR Kat Walk Mini for further worldwide distribution. Background of KAT VR In July 2018, KAT VR began shipping the KAT Walk mini to their supporters after a short run with Kickstarter early this year. The offers for the early bird purchase lasted just a few weeks,but surprisingly gained a huge support from industry players,enthusiasts and businesses beholding better movement options for VR. Distribution of KAT VR omni directional treadmill for Industry Growth Kat Walk Mini is the latest version of KAT VR omni directional treadmill . It has a slick concave plate for a wide range of foot locomotion. It also offers ...