How ODT is compatible with various KAT VR Accessories

KAT VR offers wide ranges of products to meet the demands of the companies and consumers. There are numbers of the accessories  and packages available under KAT VR Accessories. The Official KAT VR accessories can be used with their ODTs.

 Let’s discuss these accessories in detail:

1. VR PCs and Monitors

Every headsets and ODT require a PC to operate it. For this purpose, you need  minimum configuration of i5 processor and 1060 graphic cards. If you are a serious gamer, then you need  to upgrade to i7 processors and 1080 graphic cards for the optimal performance. These VR accessories are compulsory, especially for the gamers.

2. VR Headsets

KAT ODT’s are compatible with all the major headsets. But still, if you want higher performance than HTC VIVE is better for it.HTC Vive, HTC Vive Pro and Vive Deluxe Audio Strap are suitable 
options for the headsets.


This accessory takes you the next level of the game. It is currently the most functional accessory on the market.”Ready Player One" Style ODT provides 360 degree full rotation without any obstructions getting in your arms way. It is smaller and lighter in weight.It also provides the most natural walk for the movement. It works well with all major HMD.

4.Kat Walk Premium

The Kat Premium is the World’s leading  VR ODT that breaks the barrier between the real and virtual worlds.It can walk through Walk an  infinite virtual world with minimal physical space requirements.Mainly, it is designed  to provide the maximum safety without restricting your arms and legs movement.

a) The wider vertical range: It provides a wider vertical range in which you can crouch lower and jump higher.

b) Natural Walk:The special alloy baseplate in combination with KAT Shoes & KAT Shoe Covers provides the perfect friction coefficient especially for a natural walking experience.

c) Premium VR ODT : It helps to walk through the infinite virtual worlds with minimal physical space requirements. Its unique design helps the player to run, walk, crouch and jump in VR. Heightened immersion with less motion sickness and compatible with all major PC headsets.
Instead of it, you can also add VirtualReality add-ons to the VR accessories to get optimal performance.


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